by Kristin Cosmas | Aug 31, 2022 | Articles, Community, Family, PCS / Moving, Purpose
We were preparing for my daughter’s first day of Kindergarten at her new school. She was five years old and we had recently moved across the world to a new country. Our first few months had been spent acclimating ourselves to a different culture, public transit, and a...
by Jennifer Everhart | Jun 22, 2022 | Articles, Blog, Body, Community, Environmental, Fitness, Mind, Nature, Social
As military members, spouses, and veterans, you’ve all known the feelings of loneliness and the uncertainty that comes with moving to a new duty station. How do you make this new place a home after just getting comfortable in your old one? How do you start building a...
by Elizabeth Fought | May 18, 2022 | Articles, Blog, Community, PCS / Moving
Military community is an important part of the military life you live. Being part of a military community helps connect you with other military families, get support from families living in similar circumstances, and learn from each other. But what happens if a...
by Bree Carroll | Oct 22, 2021 | Blog, Community, Family, Social
“So, honey, can I get on your calendar later?” my husband requests while zipping up his flight suite as I search for a blouse to wear for my virtual meeting. I pause my search and respond, “Sure! What time do you think you’ll get out of your debrief?” Quickly picking...
by Elizabeth Bosse | Jun 23, 2021 | Blog, Community
“Being happy outside of the walls you live in, makes a difference in how you feel inside those walls. ” — Elizabeth Bosse We are currently stationed in Manila in the Philippines for the second time and all of our stuff, except for five thousand pounds, is in storage....
by Mike Peters | May 20, 2021 | Articles, Blog, Community
“As I stood alone at the spouses’ club event, I felt confident on the outside, but at the same time I couldn’t help but feel inconsequential, isolated, and invisible. I was feeling the same emotions nearly every one of the 55,000 men married to military service...