by Kara Ludlow, RDN | Mar 19, 2019 | Blog, Nutrition, Self Care
Wake-up CallI went into a season of deployment a few years ago with the best of intentions. I knew I’d be busy with my three elementary-aged kids, but I was capable, confident, and strong. More than anything, I was determined to prove my worth as the hero at...
by Diane Norwood, MS, RD, CDE | Oct 24, 2017 | Blog, Nutrition, Recipes
Tips for a Healthier HalloweenI don’t follow football, but I am a fan of fall, Halloween, and any excuse for some good, better-for-you, party food. However, when Halloween falls on a weekday, it can be especially tricky to get some nutritious foods into your family...
by In Dependent | Apr 30, 2017 | Blog, MSWS, Nutrition, Self Care, Wellness Wednesday
The Wellness Spotlight series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook live series. Below is an excerpt of Hannah’s feature. “Healing is a journey, and I’m still on mine. It can take time to recover from years...
by Evie King | Apr 1, 2017 | Blog, Nutrition
Are you considering a cleanse after a weekend of over-eating? Doing a one-day detox after an extended period of indulging in fresh vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins could be exactly what your body needs to get back on track. A good indication that your body...
by Ruvi Makuni | Jul 17, 2015 | Articles, Fitness, Nutrition, Travel
As the crowd was celebrating, cheering, and drinking champagne on New Year’s Eve, you made a firm, private declaration that this year you were finally going to make a change and take control of your health and fitness. “Sure,” an inner voice...
by Kimberly Bacso | Feb 9, 2015 | Articles, Body, Nutrition, Printables
Dinnertime can become chaos when the home chef is out of the house for the evening. Maybe family members fend for themselves. Maybe leftovers, frozen pizza, or mac and cheese save the night. That’s all fine and good for the occasional evening, but if it’s going to...