The Health Benefits of the Great Outdoors

In January of 2020 I realized I needed to make some changes in my wellness journey. I was feeling stressed and could not figure out exactly what the root issue was. We had been living at our current duty station for just over a year and I felt mostly settled in, but...

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Learn to Be Assertive About Your Wellness

Learn to Be Assertive About Your Wellness

Learn to Be Assertive About Your Wellness “When you begin to really value your self-worth, you will have an easier time communicating your needs. ” — Noralee Jones There is a lot about military life that is decided for you: from where you live, how...

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IWS21 Day 3: Be Well in Food and Finances

IWS21 Day 3: Be Well in Food and Finances

We’re already halfway through the InDependent Wellness Summit recaps and there’s so much inspiration to be found in each and every interview. If you missed Day One or Day Two, make sure to check out those recaps before diving into today!

Day Three is all about being well with food and finances. We started Day Three with an interview with Shana Spence, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based in New York who labels herself as an “eat anything” dietitian. She wanted to create a platform for open discussion on nutrition and the myriad wellness topics circulating around these days. In the not so long ago past she worked in the fashion industry and hated it. She decided to go back to school, and became involved in food policy and public health. Since then she has focused her attention on helping others rebuild their relationships with themselves and food.

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IWS21 Day 2: Be Well Outdoors and In Your Home

IWS21 Day 2: Be Well Outdoors and In Your Home

The InDependent Wellness Summit is our annual, online event for all military and first responder spouses- past, present, and future. Learn more about the program here.

Whether you listened to the full interviews or are catching up with these recaps, Day Two of the InDependent Wellness Summit was another inspiring and thought-provoking day surrounding the restorative benefits of the outdoors and your own home —two topics that really go hand-in-hand.

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