How To Paint Your Home Interior

Being in the military has advantages like living in different places and going on new adventures all over the world. My husband and I have always had in the back of our minds that we would buy a place if we got stationed in a city that we thought would be a good...

Three Must-Haves for Surviving a PCS in Skinny Jeans

The dreaded permanent-change-of-station season is upon us. It’s a time when military spouses put on a brave face and say goodbye to friends, do a deep cleaning and purge of their houses and lives (again), and wait for the movers to whisk everything to their next duty...

Preparing for Deployment: Creating a Financial Strategy

As with many things during deployment, the way you handle finances has to change right along with the change in circumstances. There is more money coming in, responsibilities for paying bills may shift, you have to make sure you have a power of attorney so you can act...

How to Organize Jewelry

Have you ever had to untangle knots of necklaces to get the one you wanted?  Have you ever forgotten about nice pieces of jewelry because they were out of sight?  Have you ever lost precious time getting dressed because you couldn’t find what you were...