How to Organize Jewelry

by | Apr 13, 2014 | Blog


How to Organize JewelryHave you ever had to untangle knots of necklaces to get the one you wanted?  Have you ever forgotten about nice pieces of jewelry because they were out of sight?  Have you ever lost precious time getting dressed because you couldn’t find what you were looking for?  Have you ever wondered what to do with your jewelry when you PCS?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have some tips for you.

  1. Evaluate your collection.  Do you really need and use everything that you have?  I’ve talked to people that have many pounds of jewelry that they struggle to hand carry when they PCS.  You might give daughters, nieces, or young friends pieces that you’ve outgrown to wear or use for dress-up.  Consider selling nicer things that you know you’ll never wear.  Clear out the clutter and make room to see the things you love.
  2. Hang bracelets and necklaces.  Bracelets and necklaces get tangled really easily and they’re a nightmare to unravel.  You can solve the problem easily by hanging them up.  I repurposed the metal bottom of a laundry cart that got broken in a move and some “S” hooks from IKEA.  If I have a matching bracelet and necklace, I hang them on the same hook.  Otherwise, each piece gets it’s own hook.  You could also hang things from shower curtain hooks and a curtain rod, tension rod, or towel rack.  When I PCS, I wrap each bracelet or necklace in plastic wrap and then placed everything in a large zipper bag.  You could also use a drinking straw for thinner items.  Simply unclasp, feed through the straw, and reclasp.  Chunkier pieces that don’t tangle easily are okay in a snack size zipper bag.
  3. Use stacking trays for earrings, rings, and unchained pendants.  I have one tray for earrings and one tray for pendants and rings.  I sort my earrings by color and use one compartment per color grouping.  My trays have a plastic cover so when I move, I use a rubber band to secure the plastic covers on top of the trays. Then I place them in a large zipper bag for transport.  If your trays don’t have a cover then you could secure with plastic wrap.

How do you organize your jewelry?

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