A Message for MilSpouse Entrepreneurs

In our journeys as military spouses we experience a transition every 2.9 years on average. As an extremely persistent and determined bunch, many of us choose the entrepreneur path almost by default. I know and respect many military spouses that consider themselves...

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The Deployment Chronicles: Five Ways to Combat Loneliness

We have all been through rough times, especially when dealing with military life. There are disappointments, fears, and the all too common feeling of loneliness.Recently, the idea of loneliness has crept into my thoughts on a daily basis. You see, right now my husband...

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MilSpouse Unpacking Strategies Translated to Life

It’s PCS season again. Thankfully the only traveling I’m doing this summer is related to vacation. I’m always up for a good adventure, but when I saw this post on Facebook from a friend whose husband just retired, I felt pretty good about not having to deal with...

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Composting for Beginners

Unfortunately there is no easy way to put this. Composting is so ridiculously easy, you may have very few excuses not to get started.First, what is composting? Does a big pile of smelly trash and flies come into your head when someone tells you they compost at home?...

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