How to Thrive During an Inverse Deployment

How to Thrive During an Inverse Deployment

“I made a personal commitment to maintain a strong family bond for us regardless of the season and our geographical distance.” ~ Claudia Demarini-WelihanPhoto by Leah Love Photography In March of 2020 my son Liam, then fifteen months old, and I left our home on the...

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Getting Back on Track After the Holidays

Getting Back on Track After the Holidays

Getting Back on Track After the Holidays So I didn’t eat as well as I was supposed to over the holidays. Even though I had planned on eating healthfully and continued to work out as much as I could, I still gained weight over the holidays.More importantly I felt...

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How to Forgive and Extend Grace This Holiday Season

How to Forgive and Extend Grace This Holiday Season

Forgiveness and grace during the holidays “Whether or not you believe that you or the other person deserves forgiveness, your mental and emotional well-being need it.” — Abi Ray Come late November, it’s not uncommon to hear the phrase “It’s the most...

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Time + Gratitude = Thank You Note

Time + Gratitude = Thank You Note

Time + Gratitude = Thank You Note After attending holiday parties, receiving wonderful gifts, and staying with close friends or family, what do you do? Well, not until recently did I think that you needed to do anything really -- that is until I received a few thank...

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