Instant Relief for Dry Winter Skin

We PCSed to Kansas last summer, and one thing that I’ve really noticed is that my skin isn’t as dry as it had been in Germany.  I used to have to put lotion on every day but I got out of the habit here in Kansas because it just isn’t necessary.My crocodile skin...

Four Stages of Culture Shock Every Military Spouse Should Know

“I’ll take a large water with lemon and no ice.” My new friend, whom I’ve known for three hours, looks at me perplexed and asks, “Anna, we are in Georgia. It’s over 100 degrees. Why are you ordering a drink without ice?” My response, “Due to the cool climate in...

One Healthy Activity a Day

Life is hard enough as it is and throwing in a curve ball, like completely changing your eating and workout habits, can be difficult. For me, living a healthy lifestyle has been difficult. So, to battle the difficulties, I tell myself to take baby steps. Eventually I...