Two Ways to Help Time In the Car Melt Away

by | Jan 13, 2014 | Blog


Two Ways to Help Time In the Car Melt AwayMany of us here at InDependent traveled over the holidays. Kimberly recently returned from a 4,000-mile road trip, Michele just recently PCSed and visited family, and Joy traveled with her young ones to visit family on the West Coast this holiday season. So, if we have been traveling, we know that you have been on the go too.

When I recently traveled over the holidays, I didn’t have terribly long drives, but I struggled with my car ride entertainment. As the designated driver on most of our car trips, I usually like to enjoy music or talking while I drive.

Not being satisfied with my overplayed and outdated playlist that I have on my phone I started looking for alternative entertainment options. I started new playlists through the SoundCloup App  after hearing about it from Joy.  I also took advice from one of my friends and downloaded some podcasts (yep, I am a little late, but better late than never).

I even downloaded a podcast from one of my favorite NPR shows, “Ask Me Another.” Yep, I listen to NPR now, and it turns out that so do several of my friends these days. “Ask Me Another” is a trivia radio show where they ask different questions, sometimes accompanied with music or with a music theme.

Being a big fan of trivia, I loved it and so did my husband who managed to wake up enough to answer most of the questions correctly (he is such a showoff).

Shouting out answers while driving was wonderful entertainment. It also made the time in the car melt away. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves trivia.  Using SoundCloud or downloading podcasts can also provide great entertainment for your workout.

How do you entertain yourself during long trips? Share with us in the comments below, so we can use them for future road trips.

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We envision a time when all military spouses thrive through connection to community and resources that results in healthy decision-making for themselves and their families.

