by | Aug 15, 2015 | Blog, Stress Relief
relaxation day pin Summer is coming to an end – PCS season is wrapping up, kids are going back to school, long days are getting shorter, and the hustle and bustle of this new season is beginning. Annually, on August 15, National Relaxation Day can’t seem to come at a...
by Guest User | Jul 29, 2015 | Blog
Have you ever encountered clothes so smelly you considered just throwing them out because they continued to smell even after washing? My daughter has been really great about helping out with laundry by hanging delicates, folding, and putting everything away....
by | Jul 22, 2015 | Blog
A milspouse friend messaged me recently, “I really feel like you are living your dream right now.”My first response to myself was, “Wait, what? I am?” My next thought was, “What a waste. Your dreams are coming true and it takes your friends to recognize it.” I have a...
by Cameron Cruse | Jul 8, 2015 | Blog
In our journeys as military spouses we experience a transition every 2.9 years on average. As an extremely persistent and determined bunch, many of us choose the entrepreneur path almost by default. I know and respect many military spouses that consider themselves...
by Hannah Campbell | Jul 6, 2015 | Blog
Military spouses always say their deployment journeys come in waves of different emotions and challenges. For my first deployment, I definitely experienced times of both highs and lows. In hindsight (it’s always clearer!) I can see a direct correlation between my...
by | Jul 3, 2015 | Blog
We have all been through rough times, especially when dealing with military life. There are disappointments, fears, and the all too common feeling of loneliness.Recently, the idea of loneliness has crept into my thoughts on a daily basis. You see, right now my husband...