Milspouse Problems: Cooking for One

So there I was, alone on the couch for the second Friday in a row watching the Bachelorette and eating pancakes and ice cream for dinner. Yup, this was a record low during a recent long-term separation from my spouse. A delicious treat indeed, but a meal I would have...

Book Review: Skintervention Guide

Remember the old saying, you are what you eat. When did we stop believing this? Probably around the same time miracle pills became the easy replacement for whole foods, natural light, and beauty rest. What if, instead of pills, modern doctors prescribed a six-ounce...

Spring Into Action Giveaway

We are celebrating InDependent’s six-month anniversary and we want to hear from you! We’re curious and want to know what motivates you to live more healthfully. What is causing you to spring into action? Be specific, and remember that there are all kinds of ways to...