How to organize like a pro during your next PCS move

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Blog


How to organize like a pro during your next PCS moveAnxiety started to flood my body as I watched the moving truck — full of our entire life — pull away from our German house. This was the home we had built together as newlyweds on our first tour. Would our most valuable possessions make it across the Atlantic Ocean on a one-month voyage via boat?

Six weeks later, our household goods arrived with little to no damage! We were lucky. So, now what?!?

A new type of anxiety hit as I viewed the overstuffed boxes that engulfed my living room; wall to wall, floor to ceiling. Overwhelmed doesn’t even begin to describe my state of mind.

As we started to unpack, I had an epiphany (insert laughter from seasoned spouse here). This was my chance to clean out the clutter and organize our life. A fresh start. A new beginning. All of a sudden, the anxiety and stress lifted from my shoulders and once again, I could breath.

As military spouses, this type of anxiety is guaranteed to creep into our lives every three to four years — if not more frequently. So how do we combat this stress and maintain our mental sanity? We use it as an opportunity to get organized.

The crew at published this fabulous infographic. I plan to use it for our next PCS move. Maybe you will find it helpful as well. It at least may give you a place to start as you sift through your third box of dishes. Good luck my friends and happy trails.



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We envision a time when all military spouses thrive through connection to community and resources that results in healthy decision-making for themselves and their families.

