How to Conquer Four Challenges in Military Life That Sap Your Motivation
Burnout, lack of control, and decision fatigue. Sound familiar? Military spouse Elizabeth Bosse has experienced it, too. By focusing on your values and knowing what you’ll say yes and no to, you can learn to go “with your gut and trust your instincts.” Read on for more tips on how to find your motivation again!
How to Be Motivated for Change: Five Actions You Can Take Today
Finding the motivation to make changes in your life can be hard, especially if you don’t feel ready, worthy, or capable. Noralee walks us through five actions that you can take today to get started. “It doesn’t really matter who you’re starting out on this journey for—just start it. If you do it with a desire to learn, grow and heal, and feel happier, you will get there.”
Which is a More Powerful Motivator? Internal Satisfaction or External Reward?
Have you ever looked at someone, either online or in person, and thought, “How the heck do they stay motivated enough for *insert physical * business * personal accomplishment*?” I have. However, there is no right answer for motivation and how to obtain it. First, I...
Do You Feel Unmotivated? Find Tips and Words of Encouragement to Help Get Motivated
“Military spouses find their strength along the way. Everyone began frightened of distance, deployment, and the unknown.” - The Seasoned Spouse As I settle into my folding chair, I notice the beautiful hue of pink in the sky as the sun goes down. A cool breeze blows...
How to Expand Your Sense of Resilience to Handle Life’s Challenges
I love the word resilient. It is often defined as the ability to “bounce back” from a difficult situation. But I know that for some, especially in our military community, it is an overused word that carries with it an expectation, a label, or something that must be...
How to Create a Proactive Healthy Lifestyle as a Military Family
Listen to the Article here A proactive healthy lifestyle as a military family is living each day making good eating decisions, staying active, and having a positive mindset. There are so many little things military families can do on a daily basis to be proactive...