by Guest User | May 11, 2015 | Blog
After over fourteen years as an Army spouse, I did something new and rented my ball gown for the very first time. I loved the whole experience and would definitely do it again. Here are seven reasons why you should rent your next ball gown. It saves money. We’ve had a...
by | Nov 2, 2014 | Blog
Weekends full of celebrations, family get togethers, and potlucks start right about now.And if you’re in cohabitation with a big bad devil dog, it also means the frantic run around preparing for the annual Marine Corps ball. Let the panic commence! First ball? In the...
by Bonnie Pritchard | Sep 29, 2014 | Blog
Guess what ladies? It’s officially fall. The pumpkin spice lattes are flowing, the sun is setting a little earlier every night, and it’s time for copious amounts of slow cooker soups waiting to warm us up after a long day of picking apples and carving pumpkins. Our...
by | Aug 25, 2014 | Blog
If you’re anything like me, the end of August always feels a little bittersweet. We start sleeping with the windows open and slowly start abandoning our summer wardrobe. In fact, a small tear might be shed when the thought of putting on real shoes slowly becomes a...
by | May 27, 2014 | Blog
I am 23 weeks along in my third pregnancy. Like everything with children, this pregnancy has been much different than my others. From my cravings, to my moods, to my clothes, to my duty stations, everything is different with each pregnancy.My first pregnancy I...