Tips for Transitioning Into Your Fall 2014 Wardrobe

by | Aug 25, 2014 | Blog


Tips for Transitioning Into Your Fall 2014 WardrobeIf you’re anything like me, the end of August always feels a little bittersweet. We start sleeping with the windows open and slowly start abandoning our summer wardrobe. In fact, a small tear might be shed when the thought of putting on real shoes slowly becomes a reality.

Ultimately, the “I have no clothes” phase commences as we transition into our cooler weather threads. The key word here is transition ladies, one step at a time. The good news is it’s 2014 and it’s not what we’re wearing but how we’re wearing it. I literally get excited when I realize that my favorite pair of jeans or bra is clean and you want to know why? These are my favorites because they fit me and I don’t leave the house wanting to rip them off in exchange for my faded trusty yoga pants. Fit is by far the most important thing in any season, but it’s most important as the weather starts to cool. We are wearing more, so we want to be as comfortable as physically possible. We all know how quickly our mood can be ruined by trying on our “incentive jeans” (if you don’t have some, you’re a liar!). You know, those jeans you refuse to donate because one day you’ll finally fit back into them, thus giving you an incentive to stay on that elliptical for just one more mile.

So to be totally comfortable and confident in what we’re rocking to the gym, to the bank, running errands, and date night, you’ve got to start at the basics. That’s right, strip down to your bra and panties. If you’ve never been properly fitted for a bra you are missing out. This doesn’t mean you have to go drop $60 on a bra at Victoria’s Secret. Fittings are always complimentary and totally worth the swallowing of your pride. Turns out, your side boob is supposed to be inside your bra! Amazing what containing “the girls” can do for you. Oh and your perpetual wedgie? Turns out, you’ve been wearing the wrong size the entire time. Stop resorting back to old faithful and do your cheeks a favor by taking your time in the intimates department, instead of just grabbing your go-to drawers in the only color you don’t already have. Me personally?  I’m glad you asked! Warner’s No Wedgies No Worries. What can I say…I got it from my mama.

The good news is that Fall 2014 is all about the third piece, meaning we’re focusing on that drapey cardigan, super long duster, blazer, etc. This is great, especially since the fit is much more universal. You can also stock up on the solid cheap tanks in a ton of different colors to wear underneath. Balance is key here. Since we’ve got so much going on up top, keep your bottom options simple and properly fitted.  Pair with a great ankle or riding boot (spend the money, totally worth it). And if you’re not a boot gal, how many great flats can you find at Target? Like a ton. I’m a total deal finder, so I splurge on my boots since I wear them almost every day and skimp on my foundation pieces, which end up becoming disposable after the end of the season (and about 100 washes) and my boots stand the test of time. On a budget this season and just need to cover your bases? See above. Start underneath and work your way out. No sense in spending $80 on that perfect Aztec cardigan if you’re worried about indecent exposure every time you bend over to get that case of water on the bottom of your grocery cart.

If there is anything to remember when you are slowly packing away those maxi dresses and trading them in for knit cardigans, it’s your size. Take your time. I like the “one up one down” rule. I try on what I think is my size and also the size under and above it. Feeling good in what you’re wearing makes you radiant and it doesn’t matter if it’s a ball gown or black leggings with a slouchy top. No one can see your label, but everyone can see you pick your wedgie.

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