Log Off for Genuine Friendship

How are your in-person friendships lately? Admit it, you just got done checking Facebook, tweeting someone back, totally liking someone’s feel good vibe they posted on Instagram. You want to know how I know…because you’re reading this. Okay, so maybe (big, fat maybe)...

Support InDependent through PopNod.com

We are excited to announce that InDependent is now on PopNod.com! This is a wonderful site where you select a cause that you would like to support, like InDependent, and then shop at your favorite stores like Amazon, Best Buy, Target and so many others. PopNod...

Strike a Pose During Your Travels

Before leaving Germany, I was able to spend a beautiful Saturday hiking through the hills near Bamberg with several of our friends. Kimberly and her husband organized the event and I was so excited to be a part of it. One of my favorite moments while roaming those...