Tell Your Tribe Giveaway

At InDependent, we believe that by making healthy choices we positively impact not only our own health, but the health of our families and peers as well. We launched our website nearly a year ago to share positive inspiration to help military spouses thrive, and we...

How to Buy the Perfect Boots

Guess what ladies? It’s officially fall. The pumpkin spice lattes are flowing, the sun is setting a little earlier every night, and it’s time for copious amounts of slow cooker soups waiting to warm us up after a long day of picking apples and carving pumpkins. Our...

Dealing With the Distracted Nurser

Nursing is on the minds of many new mothers. No matter if it’s their first child or their fourth, it tends to be at the forefront of their concerns about raising their little one because we feel either strongly in support or adamantly opposed to it and continuously...