Pearl Harbor Day: Reflections of a Vet’s Daughter

As the daughter of a World War II vet, Pearl Harbor Day holds a special significance to me. It means a bridge to the past, specifically my father's past. It means celebrating the courage and valor of the men and women who fought against tyranny. Sadly, it also means a...

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’Tis the Season to Give Back

After two months of preparation, I pulled into Moon Lake recreational site at 6:30 a.m. on a frigid November morning. Joining me were 18 volunteers from our Army community. We arrived bright and early to help set up the backdrops and the props for the first annual...

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Steal These 3 Holiday Traditions

When you ask your kids what your family holiday traditions are, do they give you a blank stare? If so, don’t feel bad. You aren’t the only one who may have forgotten to be purposeful about creating memorable traditions. In fact, creating family traditions is something...

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The Thanksgiving Grinch

Think about the word gratitude for a moment. Let it roll around on your tongue. Is it sweet and well-received? Or, is it overdone? As we approach Thanksgiving, there are gratitude references everywhere. Even in my yoga class this morning, the instructor offered...

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Three Things to Consider When Planning a Thanksgiving Menu

Military families celebrate Thanksgiving in many different ways, but no matter where you are or whom you’re with, food is probably involved.In my family, menu planning falls to me because I’m the one who likes to scour Pinterest and magazines and blogs for new...

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Why: Sharon’s Story

When did it happen? That is what I asked myself one day. When did I stop taking care of myself? In July 2012, we went on a family vacation to Croatia. I knew I had gained weight, but I would tell myself, “Hey, I look okay. I have always been this size.” Funny how I...

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