Six Ways to Use Lavender

While visiting the lavender fields on Hvar Island in Croatia during our last trip before my husband and I PCSed from Europe, we stopped to buy some lavender products for gifts. I know the salespeople were trying to sell their products, but from their descriptions,...

DIY: Painted Dresser

When we got married, my husband and I inherited a dresser and chest of drawers that had been in his childhood bedroom.  I really just kind of disliked them.  They were highly-polished, medium-colored wood that didn’t suit my taste.  Not to mention that...

How to Begin Accepting Your Body’s Story

“Every single body has a story to tell and no one is judging you for yours, except maybe you.”  –Desiree Rumbaugh I’m going to let you in on a dirty little secret.  When I saw the photo that was going to run with the Leavenworth community highlight, I...