How Sugar Affects Gut Health

Sugar. It’s almost a dirty word these days. Frequently admonished for its empty calories, this highly-palatable, sweet substance is also associated with an increased risk of diabetes, obesity,poor oral health,cardiovascular disease, and a number of other unfavorable...

Twenty-Eight Day Sugar Savvy Challenge

It is nearly impossible to reach January unscathed from the sheer amount of goodies we treat ourselves to from Halloween to New Year’s. Cocktails at parties, rich meals at potlucks, the Christmas cookie-making parties, the eggnog on Christmas Eve—they are all staples...

Kitchen Gadget Wish List

I always find that during the holiday season I spend more time in the kitchen than any other time of the year. It’s also when I use that weird kitchen gadget I never thought I’d use. Ramekins? Mandolin? Double boiler? I use them one time a year and it’s always during...