How to Find Joy in a Rental Kitchen

Sometimes in military life, we get assigned housing. Sometimes we get to choose a rental house. And sometimes, when all the stars align, we get to buy a house. But for me anyway, none of these are forever homes. We’ve never been stationed in a place where we would...

Warriors for Healing – A Pathway for Coping with PTSD

It was December of 1999. My son had just turned two years old. He was my entire life. The only soft spot I had left. I was dying of stage four cancer from exposure to depleted uranium years earlier while on the front lines of the Persian Gulf War. My back was broken...

Seven Reasons to Rent Your Ball Gown

After over fourteen years as an Army spouse, I did something new and rented my ball gown for the very first time. I loved the whole experience and would definitely do it again. Here are seven reasons why you should rent your next ball gown. It saves money. We’ve had a...