Seven ways to meet new friends

As we rapidly approach the New Year, I’ve already started jotting down my personal resolutions. The goals I’ve established this year are especially important as we plan to ring in 2014 at a new duty station. For us this means a new city, new home, new job,...

Kitchen Gadget Wish List

I always find that during the holiday season I spend more time in the kitchen than any other time of the year. It’s also when I use that weird kitchen gadget I never thought I’d use. Ramekins? Mandolin? Double boiler? I use them one time a year and it’s always during...

DIY Beauty Arsenal

Making your own beauty products from items found in your kitchen seems a little nuts. If you had told me three years ago that I’d be washing my hair with baking soda or using the rough equivalent of salad dressing as a facial toner, I’d have thought you were crazy....