Why: Nicole’s Story

I strive to live a healthy lifestyle because it took a long time to get where I am today. There was a lot of struggle before success, but I fought through it all, and I am still working hard to reach my health and fitness goals. These are the top three reasons why I...

My Date with Breast Cancer

Dates. Our lives are full of important ones – our birthday, our wedding anniversary, our children’s birthdays. In the military, promotion dates and deployment dates are also important. I never thought THESE dates would forever change my life:February 5th: ...
5 Things I Do With My Friends During Deployments

5 Things I Do With My Friends During Deployments

Chances are, if you are reading this article you currently have a deployed spouse or one that will deploy or leave for an extended period of time in the future. And chances are, you’re nervous and wondering what you are going to do with all your free time. How do I...