Book Review: The Power of Full Engagement

The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Perofrmance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz is a game changer. So often we think we need to manage our time better or learn how to control stress more effectively. But what...

How to Start Beating the Blues in Five Minutes

When my daughter was a baby, I used to cry at the top of the stairs when I said goodbye to my husband. I couldn’t believe that he got to put on a spit-up free uniform and go to work where there would be no crying baby. How I longed to escape! We were new to post so I...

Three Strategies to Drink More Water

You’re a tall drink of water is just another way to say someone’s hot.  But what if the literal glass of water isn’t nearly as attractive? We all know we need to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.  Getting that much down is second nature to some people...

Three Ways to Boost Immunity

Have you ever made it through a particularly stressful time only to fall sick when it’s all over?  Maybe it was after completing finals at school, finishing a big project at work, welcoming your spouse home after deployment, or playing hostess for the...