Retreat Wish List

Spending a long weekend with the rest of the InDependent team was truly inspiring. We all have a passion for healthy living so we were able to learn a ton from each other in just a few days simply by observing each other’s habits. We all came away with a list of...

Tell Your Tribe Giveaway

At InDependent, we believe that by making healthy choices we positively impact not only our own health, but the health of our families and peers as well. We launched our website nearly a year ago to share positive inspiration to help military spouses thrive, and we...

3 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

Ah sleep. When we get enough of it, it can help us maintain a healthy weight, lower stress and anxiety, and even boost creativity and athletic performance. I think we’d all like to get in on those benefits! Unfortunately, there’s a vicious cycle. Stress, anxiety,...

How to Organize Office Supplies with Mason Jars

As I PCS from house to house, I’m starting to realize that sometimes organization solutions can become clutter that I have to figure out how to store.  Going forward, I’m looking for things that can be used in multiple ways.  Mason jars are one of the most...

Introducing: Instagram Summer Motivation Series – Eat Well

Summer can be a particularly tricky time to create or maintain healthy habits with kids out of school, vacations, PCS season in full swing, and lots of warm weather socializing. At InDependent, we know that it’s easier to stay on track when you have to be accountable...