How Sugar Affects Gut Health

Sugar. It’s almost a dirty word these days. Frequently admonished for its empty calories, this highly-palatable, sweet substance is also associated with an increased risk of diabetes, obesity,poor oral health,cardiovascular disease, and a number of other unfavorable...

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Our Top 14 Blog Posts of 2014

Military life showed up in full force for the InDependent team last year with PCS moves, deployments and long separations, promotions, pregnancy, and many other ups and downs. Through it all, we shared and collected stories to inspire you to stay healthy and well...

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How to Detox Time Wasters

You know it’s the New Year when your newsfeed is flooded with self-proclamations of everything everyone is going to do differently. Whether it be health, money, or career related, we all know the drill. Admit it. In your head you catch yourself doing the exact same...

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Four Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick

It's the time of year that everyone believes they are going to make big changes. New Year’s resolutions are upon us. Everyone is having that supposed last cupcake before clogging up the gyms and filling their fridges with green vegetables. As good as our intentions...

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Twenty-Eight Day Sugar Savvy Challenge

It is nearly impossible to reach January unscathed from the sheer amount of goodies we treat ourselves to from Halloween to New Year’s. Cocktails at parties, rich meals at potlucks, the Christmas cookie-making parties, the eggnog on Christmas Eve—they are all staples...

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