Finding Your Why as a Military Spouse

Finding your identity is hard enough on its own. Add in the elements of the transitory military family lifestyle, and it's even more of a challenge. I am of the opinion that we, as human beings, are in a constant state of evolution. While this may mean that we are...

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Put Your Wellness Why Before Your What

Do you ever stop to consider the impact that your wellness choices have on your day-to-day life or are you generally so busy going through the motions as you hop from one task to another? Often, I find that exercise is something on my list to check off so I can move...

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Don’t Ignore the Gift of Time | AUSA

Two-and-a-half years ago, after celebrating a beautiful Christmas day, I received a phone call from my niece in California. My sister had experienced a sudden heart attack and was gone. Say what? Getting the news of her passing really stopped me in my tracks, and...

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