How to Run When You Are Not a Runner

How to Run When You Are Not a Runner

Running was such an easily totable form of exercise, no matter where the Army took us. I have never been a runner. I have always been one of the people who jokingly say, “I only run when there is a sale.” I grew up dancing ballet from age six onward, progressing...

InDependent Run A Race Challenge

Lace up your shoes — it’s time to get your sweat on!This summer, InDependent is challenging military spouses stationed all over the world to run a race this September. That’s #IDRunARace for all of you social media savvy folks. [connect with us on Facebook, Instagram,...

Why: Sharon’s Story

When did it happen? That is what I asked myself one day. When did I stop taking care of myself? In July 2012, we went on a family vacation to Croatia. I knew I had gained weight, but I would tell myself, “Hey, I look okay. I have always been this size.” Funny how I...

Connecting With Kids Through Running

Connecting With Kids Through Running My 9-year-old daughter is at that age when she watches what I do and wants to copy me, but at the same time is starting to be embarrassed of me.  She asks to go out for a run or try her hand at yoga arm balances just like...