Hospitality Over Entertaining

If you get hospitality and entertaining confused, you may never want to regularly have people over because it’s just too hard. Here’s an easy way to differentiate the two: Hospitality is about sharing time together. Entertaining is about providing an experience.There...

Four Wellness Tips for Your Next Road Trip

Whether you are preparing for a PCS move or going on vacation, there are things you can do to keep your stress low and your wellness goals on track.Long drives and cramped cars can be stressful on vacation. Add the logistics of packing your family, pets, valuables,...

Don’t Make Resolutions This Year

As the month of December winds down and the New Year begins, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions. The idea behind resolutions is a fresh start, a newly revived spirit, a new year in which to accomplish all the things on our lists. This year, I question...