Sleep: Advice from a U.S. Olympian

Last week, I offered you running as the first ingredient in a recipe to success for serving your country by starting a positive ripple effect with your family, co-workers, and neighbors. This ripple effect starts with healthy decisions that you make for yourself. The...

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Book Review: The Power of Full Engagement

The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Perofrmance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz is a game changer. So often we think we need to manage our time better or learn how to control stress more effectively. But what...

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Why: Tina’s Story

Why do I strive for a healthy lifestyle? I worked past a moment of tragedy and saw an opportunity for growth. The small changes I made along the way helped me to bounce back and set standards for a positive outcome. The “big change” in my health routine came after we...

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Four Ways to Update Your Wardrobe on a Budget

When the Army uprooted my sister Meg from the South and planted her in Germany, she was not prepared for the cold winters and she found that her wardrobe was out of date. Since I’m more interested in shopping than she is, I acted as her personal shopper and filled a...

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Finding a Place to Call Home

“Please feel welcome to worship with us.”  These were the words spoken to my husband and me as we visited our first church in our new town.  Are there any more welcoming words?  You are welcome here.  You are welcome to worship with us.  You...

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How to Start Beating the Blues in Five Minutes

When my daughter was a baby, I used to cry at the top of the stairs when I said goodbye to my husband. I couldn’t believe that he got to put on a spit-up free uniform and go to work where there would be no crying baby. How I longed to escape! We were new to post so I...

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