Focusing on the Now

It's the perfect, lazy afternoon and my husband and I are chatting about nothing in particular at the table. We chat about the kids, the garden, and the landscaping projects. Then, he brings up his next TDY. “What are you planning on doing when I leave again next...

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Preparing for Deployment: Weathering the Storm

No, I’m not speaking metaphorically. I’m talking about when Mother Nature goes all girl power all over your car, your house, your street, your everything, and you’re left cleaning up that b-word’s mess. I recently lost my car due to a total freak hail storm that hit...

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Brianna’s Story

Why do I strive to live a healthy lifestyle? This was a question that I didn’t really have to face until 18 months ago. In my childhood, teens, and early 20s, I never struggled with weight. I’d always had a slim build and high metabolism and could eat pretty much...

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Children and Nature: Raising a Nature Conscious Child

This afternoon I went on a jog at my family’s farm in south Texas – along a trail through a piece of land that we affectionately call the Pecan Bottom. As Daisy (my Weimaraner) and I ran past the grazing cows, I noticed one of the trees that I used to play under as a...

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Book Review: Skintervention Guide

Remember the old saying, you are what you eat. When did we stop believing this? Probably around the same time miracle pills became the easy replacement for whole foods, natural light, and beauty rest. What if, instead of pills, modern doctors prescribed a six-ounce...

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Four Airport Travel Tips

I fly a lot. Seriously, I have already been on six air travel round trips this year and have another four planned. With the convenience of flying, many of us have turned from hours logged in the car to hours logged in the airport. For me, the worst part of flying is...

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