Lando: Our Family’s Canine War Hero

What better way to celebrate K-9 Veteran’s Day than to share our war hero’s story with you? Two years ago, my family attended a retirement ceremony for Military Working Dog (MWD) Lando. We had made the decision several months earlier to adopt him as part of our...

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A Milspouse’s Greatest Health Investment: Her Dog

Pets can be great companions for military spouses. He swaggers over and looks at me with those big brown eyes and without having to say a word he knows. So, he gently nuzzles his head into my lap and as I lay there stoking his fur, the emotions start to slowly drift...

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Why: Johanna’s Story

Have you been asked why you live, or why you do things a certain way and you realize you have no idea? When I was asked why I strive to live a healthy lifestyle, I surprised myself when I didn’t have a quick and easy answer. I grew up with an active and athletic...

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Three Military Spouse Survival Tips for Valentine’s Day

In military life, it’s not unusual to find yourself having to make dinner for one when just the day before you had grocery shopped for a small army. It’s part of the life we live. Sometimes, it’s a blessing in disguise to have some alone time. Other times it feels...

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