Five Ways to Cope With PCS Envy

Moving is hard. But sometimes, it’s even harder not to. That’s how it feels to me anyway. I have zest for the part of military life that many other spouses dread beyond all other – the move. I blame this irrational need to constantly have my life in boxes on having...

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Retreat Wish List

Spending a long weekend with the rest of the InDependent team was truly inspiring. We all have a passion for healthy living so we were able to learn a ton from each other in just a few days simply by observing each other’s habits. We all came away with a list of...

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Growing InDependent: Healthy Looks Good On You

“I just want to be healthy,” Meg said, gently placing her hand on her pregnant belly. Her message resonated loud and clear with the four friends who surrounded her at the InDependent leaders’ retreat in North Carolina last weekend. We spent four days in the...

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Top 16 Healthy Life Apps For Military Spouses

There’s no doubt, in many ways smartphones can be really invasive and counterproductive, as Kimberly Bacso pointed out in Smartphones: Doing Everything, Accomplishing Nothing. But if used properly, they do have a place. With their help being a smart, savvy consumer...

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Six Ways To Match Your Energy To Your Responsibilities

Do you ever assess your responsibilities for the day and feel like you would rather retreat back under the covers than try to tackle it all? With a full load of expectations on your military spouse shoulders, I don’t blame you! I have a lot of interests and...

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