Solo Parenting: Alone But Not Alone

I never wanted to be a military spouse. I wanted a husband who came home every night before dinner, just as my father did. I wanted my kids to play with their cousins every weekend, just as I did. As a young adult I had naively wished for a different life than what I...

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Five Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day

"I want to talk to Darcy now. Put her on for me!" Every morning while my husband and I are on FaceTime, I hear these same words. He insists on talking to our baby, even while he's stationed in Korea. She may not be human, but she is our baby all the same – Darcy is...

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National Relaxation Day: Three Ways to Relax

relaxation day pin Summer is coming to an end – PCS season is wrapping up, kids are going back to school, long days are getting shorter, and the hustle and bustle of this new season is beginning. Annually, on August 15, National Relaxation Day can’t seem to come at a...

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How to Get the Stench Out of Your Smelliest Clothes

Have you ever encountered clothes so smelly you considered just throwing them out because they continued to smell even after washing? My daughter has been really great about helping out with laundry by hanging delicates, folding, and putting everything away. It's a...

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Home Organization Checklist: Guest Room

Home Organization Checklist: Guest Room

I believe that a guest room is one of the most important rooms in a military home. Sometimes you might be lucky enough to have an extra bedroom. Other times, another room will have to do double duty. Often we are so far from family and friends that visits usually...

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