How to Embrace the Winds of Change

How to Embrace the Winds of Change

Life is made up of seasons. Seasons of change, seasons of growth, seasons of want, and seasons of plenty. Some seasons you might be living on mountain tops while others find you living in the valley. However, seasons are an unspecified period of time. They can last a...

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Transition is the Start of the Next Adventure

Transition is the Start of the Next Adventure

Leaving the military felt like walking to the edge of a cliff and jumping off. I didn’t feel prepared, I wasn’t ready, and I didn’t know what would happen when I jumped. But deep down I knew it was the right thing to do for my family. I had just become a mom and...

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Maintaining YOU in a World of Change

Maintaining YOU in a World of Change

When you look in the mirror and you barely recognize the person staring back at you, it’s time to find your true self again. Have you ever lost sight of who you are and needed to find your true self again? I know I have, and so have many other military spouses I know....

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