The Healing Powers of Getting Vulnerable
Not only did I suffer for years, but I suffered in silence so no one would know what I was dealing with. I just assumed I was the only one. ~Amanda Koch Every month should be women’s health month. Our health should always be prioritized and celebrated. As military...
How to Make Successful Professional Transitions As a Military Spouse
InDependent’s Samantha Peterson sat down with Yahoo Small Business’ Chris Wayne to gain insight on career, balance, and carving purpose-driven pathways to success. As a former sergeant in the 82nd Airborne and current chief technology officer whose platform is very...
Making Friends Takes a Lot of Energy. Is It Worth It?
Investing in friendships is worth your time. Friends come and go in our military lives due to frequent moves. So is it really worth connecting when we know the goodbyeis inevitable? Guest blogger Shasta Nelson, author of Friendships Don’t Just Happen, explains why...
Wellness Spotlight | Heather Goffrier | Overcoming Obstacles
The Wellness Spotlight Series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook Live series. Below is an excerpt of Heather's feature. Wellness Wednesday Spotlight | Heather Goffrier “Wellness is continuing to move...
How to Adopt the 5 Ps of Planning as a Military Spouse
“My personal definition of prior proper planning means that I am preparing myself mentally, emotionally, and physically for the task at hand. “ One of my husband’s favorite go-to quotes is, “Prior proper planning prevents poor performance.” I sometimes hear that...
4 Simple Ways Military Couples Can Navigate Life as a Strong Team
Four profound yet doable relationship strategies emerged from my interview with Corie Weathers, licensed counselor, during the week leading up to Military Marriage Day. THERE’S MARRIAGE AND THEN THERE’S THE BUSINESS OF MARRIAGE When it comes to married life, it is...