Don’t Make Resolutions This Year

As the month of December winds down and the New Year begins, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions. The idea behind resolutions is a fresh start, a newly revived spirit, a new year in which to accomplish all the things on our lists. This year, I question...

Rethink Your Resolutions

For most of us, the end of the year is a time to take stock and think about what we want in the future, which brings us to the infamous idea of New Year’s resolutions. I typically don’t make any resolutions at the beginning of the year, because honestly they sort of...

Six Steps to Happy, Healthy Holidays

The holidays are here! For the next few weeks, the barrage of food, alcohol, parties, and stress is constant. We are insanely busy so workouts, healthy eating, and normal routines take a back seat. By the time January rolls around, we’re up a pound or two, our...

Four Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick

It’s the time of year that everyone believes they are going to make big changes. New Year’s resolutions are upon us. Everyone is having that supposed last cupcake before clogging up the gyms and filling their fridges with green vegetables. As good as our...