by In Dependent | Aug 11, 2019 | Blog, MSWS, MSWS18, Wellness Wednesday
The Wellness Spotlight Series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook Live series. Below is an excerpt of Claire’s feature. “Make time for what fills you up.” — Claire Wood CLaire is a wife,...
by In Dependent | Jul 21, 2019 | Blog, MSWS, MSWS18, Wellness Wednesday
The Wellness Spotlight Series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook Live series. Below is an excerpt of Tatiana’s feature. “My mind is no longer at odds with my body.” — Tatiana Mone Tatiana...
by In Dependent | Jun 23, 2019 | Blog, MSWS, MSWS18, Wellness Wednesday
The Wellness Spotlight Series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook Live series. Below is an excerpt of Wendi’s feature. “Wellness is feeling at your best in all areas of health; physical, emotional,...
by In Dependent | Jun 9, 2019 | Blog, MSWS, MSWS18, Wellness Wednesday
The Wellness Spotlight Series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook Live series. Below is an excerpt of Laura’s feature. “Wellness is a creative journey of self-love that connects you to being and...
by In Dependent | May 26, 2019 | Blog, MSWS, MSWS18, Wellness Wednesday
The Wellness Spotlight Series highlights military spouses and their real world health and wellness journeys in a Facebook Live series. Below is an excerpt of Ashley’s feature. “Wellness is anything that you do for yourself that makes you feel good both...