by Emira Wininger | May 4, 2015 | Blog
Moving is hard. But sometimes, it’s even harder not to. That’s how it feels to me anyway. I have zest for the part of military life that many other spouses dread beyond all other – the move. I blame this irrational need to constantly have my life in boxes on having...
by | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
Reintegration can often be just as difficult as the deployment itself. Through experiencing two deployments and reintegrations with my soldier, I have learned some key lessons firsthand. I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination and still have much to...
by | Mar 28, 2015 | Blog
There’s no doubt, in many ways smartphones can be really invasive and counterproductive, as Kimberly Bacso pointed out in Smartphones: Doing Everything, Accomplishing Nothing. But if used properly, they do have a place. With their help being a smart, savvy consumer...
by Leslie Brians | Feb 25, 2015 | Blog
Every deployment presents a choice for military spouses: either be consumed with the loneliness and isolation a long-term separation often brings, or use the time apart as an opportunity to grow. I know both choices first hand. During my husband’s first post-marriage...
by Chris Noriega | Dec 2, 2014 | Blog
After two months of preparation, I pulled into Moon Lake recreational site at 6:30 a.m. on a frigid November morning. Joining me were 18 volunteers from our Army community. We arrived bright and early to help set up the backdrops and the props for the first annual...