The Year of Me

Two weeks ago my world came crashing down. Well, actually it was the shelf in the hall closet that collapsed. It was the straw that broke this camel’s back. This time last year I was the fittest and healthiest I had been in years, competing on a German soccer team...

Words Will Break My Heart

When I was in fifth or sixth grade, my dad took me to a 2nd Chapter of Acts concert. It was a special night for the two of us because my sister was too young be out late and the music in all of its 80s glory was too heavy for mom. We enjoyed the concert and bought an...

Four Ways to Make Your Resolutions Stick

It’s the time of year that everyone believes they are going to make big changes. New Year’s resolutions are upon us. Everyone is having that supposed last cupcake before clogging up the gyms and filling their fridges with green vegetables. As good as our...

Steal These 3 Holiday Traditions

When you ask your kids what your family holiday traditions are, do they give you a blank stare? If so, don’t feel bad. You aren’t the only one who may have forgotten to be purposeful about creating memorable traditions. In fact, creating family traditions is something...