How to Tie an Easy, Eye-Catching Bow

by | Dec 22, 2013 | Blog


How to Tie an Easy, Eye-Catching BowWhether you’re finishing up your wrapping to get everything under the tree, or getting ready to buy supplies at a discount later this week, this tutorial is for you.

I’ve had a variety of jobs as we’ve moved around with the military.  One of them was working at the Gussy Goose Craft Store on Patch Barracks in Stuttgart, Germany.  One of my co-workers was a talented decorator and she did projects for customers and gift-wrapped packages in the store. 

One day, I asked her to teach me how to tie pretty bows and I was shocked to find out it was as easy as tying my shoes.  Yes, she made complicated bows involving several different lengths of ribbon and floral wire to top trees, but she had a much easier version for gifts.

how to bow info

Do you have a signature wrapping style?

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