by Christa Murray | Jul 25, 2018 | Blog
Keep Your Business Cool This SummerBy: Christa Murray + WISE TeamSummer is here and let’s be honest—we’re already tired just thinking about the weeks to come. The kids are out of school for the summer, family is coming to visit, and PCS season is here. It is easy to...
by Meghan Meredith | Jun 28, 2018 | Blog
Hospitality is rooted in the deep desire to gather people Celebrating the Season and the Art of Simple HospitalityGrowing up, my summers were marked by grilling out with family, catching fireflies in the backyard with my cousins, swimming with the neighborhood kids,...
by Jodi Harris | May 2, 2018 | Blog
PCS season in upon us, and once again many of us find ourselves in that in-between space between leaving one place and arriving in another. You’ve said your goodbyes…perhaps multiple times. You’re sad to be leaving, but at the same time you feel so-freaking-ready for...
by Michele Bradfield | Oct 10, 2015 | Blog
CAUTION: The wellness bug is contagious and is spreading throughout the military spouse community like wildfire. U.S. military spouses from every branch, stationed all over the world, are banding together in support of personal health. The exact number who have chosen...
by Hannah Campbell | Jul 6, 2015 | Blog
Military spouses always say their deployment journeys come in waves of different emotions and challenges. For my first deployment, I definitely experienced times of both highs and lows. In hindsight (it’s always clearer!) I can see a direct correlation between my...