Preparing for Deployment: Weathering the Storm

No, I’m not speaking metaphorically. I’m talking about when Mother Nature goes all girl power all over your car, your house, your street, your everything, and you’re left cleaning up that b-word’s mess. I recently lost my car due to a total freak hail storm that hit...

Preparing for Deployment: Creating a Financial Strategy

As with many things during deployment, the way you handle finances has to change right along with the change in circumstances. There is more money coming in, responsibilities for paying bills may shift, you have to make sure you have a power of attorney so you can act...

Preparing for Deployment: Emotional Support

I am not going to lie. This was a tough blog for me to write. I kept asking myself “Why is it important to have an emotional support system?” The only answer I could initially come up with was, “Cause, it is!” Since that would do no one any good, I had to dig a little...