by Michele Bradfield | Oct 10, 2015 | Blog
CAUTION: The wellness bug is contagious and is spreading throughout the military spouse community like wildfire. U.S. military spouses from every branch, stationed all over the world, are banding together in support of personal health. The exact number who have chosen...
by | Sep 12, 2015 | Blog
Making yourself a priority At first, I dreaded my 4:50 a.m. alarm and wished I could just roll-over and go back to sleep. Now, as I sit in my chair sipping tea and watching the sunrise, I cherish this early morning me time while my husband and dog sleep soundly in the...
by Michele Bradfield | Sep 6, 2015 | Blog
When I was 25-years-old, I packed up my life in Idaho and moved to Germany. Alone. I arrived in Frankfurt with no phone, no computer, no car, and a big ol’ knot in my stomach, hoping the gal who said she’d drive two hours to get me would actually show up. I had never...