4 Women’s Health Concerns That Need Your Attention

Mothers and caretakers are busy people. Working, at home, volunteering, parenting — it is a 24/7 job. In the phase of life with young children or in a season of intense caretaking, it is easy to let your own health and self-care go to the back burner. After...

Don’t Make Resolutions This Year

As the month of December winds down and the New Year begins, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions. The idea behind resolutions is a fresh start, a newly revived spirit, a new year in which to accomplish all the things on our lists. This year, I question...

19 Health-Promoting Care Package Ideas

One of the first things I do after my husband deploys (besides wallow in self-pity for a little while of course) is start planning out my first care package. Curating all the different things I will send to him helps me feel a little closer to him even when he’s...

Sun Protection Demystified

Sun protection is a topic near and dear to my heart. My skin tone falls somewhere between “Twilight vampire” and “ghost haunting an abandoned subway station,” so if I don’t wear sunscreen I get a farmer’s tan while walking from my front door to my mailbox. Any...