Time + Gratitude = Thank You Note

Time + Gratitude = Thank You Note

Time + Gratitude = Thank You Note After attending holiday parties, receiving wonderful gifts, and staying with close friends or family, what do you do? Well, not until recently did I think that you needed to do anything really — that is until I received a few...

7 Powerful Ways to Love Through PTSD Pain

“I choose to protect my mental health and show up in the way that my marriage deserves.” As a veteran advocate and spouse, my husband’s PTSD has changed me for the good and the bad. I could talk about the bad, but I choose not to. Not today at least. I don’t...

The Thanksgiving Grinch

Think about the word gratitude for a moment. Let it roll around on your tongue. Is it sweet and well-received? Or, is it overdone? As we approach Thanksgiving, there are gratitude references everywhere. Even in my yoga class this morning, the instructor offered...