Deployments are tough all the way around. While I think it is tough here maintaining the home front with our first baby on the way and the typical new homeowner issues, I know that my husband is dealing with his own issues of adjusting to a new environment and his new...
Chances are, if you are reading this article you currently have a deployed spouse or one that will deploy or leave for an extended period of time in the future. And chances are, you’re nervous and wondering what you are going to do with all your free time. How do I...
As any military spouse will tell you, one of the hardest things on a marriage is being away from your spouse for long periods of time due to deployments, field rotations, unaccompanied tours, extended TDYs, or even voluntary geographic bachelorhood made necessary by...
InDependent makes wellness accessible and creates opportunities for all military spouses to connect for friendship, accountability, and inspiration.
We envision a time when all military spouses thrive through connection to community and resources that results in healthy decision-making for themselves and their families.