How You Start Your Mornings

by | Jun 25, 2014 | Blog


How You Start Your MorningsStarting your morning off on the right foot can mean the difference between a good day and a bad one. To be honest, some of my mornings are better than others.

I recently started trying to use Kimberly’s morning preparation advice to get my day started right. Sometimes you just need a little advice to help kick start your morning routine. It helps if you do a physical activity in the morning to get your body moving and the blood flowing.

We wanted to know how you start your mornings, whether it was with a run, walk, ride on a bike, yoga class, or just a cup of coffee.

We learned that we have some early risers and some not so excited about waking early. Check out how everyone gets their juices flowing in the morning:

Coffee! Mandie

One mile walk. Shanna

9:30 a.m. hot yoga class at Art of Yoga Columbus GA! One of the only yoga studios here in Columbus, GA for those of you who may be looking.

Run with the dog, then coffee and devotional time. Rachel

I have an elementary student that wakes at the slightest sound in the a.m., so morning routines are not as slow and quiet as some of you mentioned. The alarm goes off at 5 a.m., husband is up and ready for PT, I take one hour to “meditate” with my eyes… Tina

Coffee and the sunrise! Torene

How I actually wake up in the morning versus how I wish I woke up are two very different things. One day I will begin early mornings with a nice yoga practice ending with a hot cup of joe. For now, I’m soaking up every last bit of sleep my children will allow me to have. Johanna

My newfound and absolute favorite way to start the day: 15 minute simple yoga routine followed by sipping warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and honey. Tried it once and I’ve never looked back! Leslie

Oh, I cherish my mornings! I’m an early riser. I use this time for “me”. I start by sipping a cup of coffee while I read the news or my favorite blog. Then I try to get a workout in before I head to work. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I always try to run outside so I can watch the sun rise. It’s the perfect way to start my day: calm and relaxed. Michele

I don’t consider myself a morning person. I would rather stay up late. But, I’ve been getting up between 5:00 and 5:30 a.m., before the family gets up, for 10 minutes of meditation, 30-40 minutes of yoga using Gaia, and a cup of warm lemon water. It’s the calm before the storm. After my daughter goes to school, I enjoy a cup of black tea with a splash of vanilla almond milk. Kimberly

I am not a morning person like I used to be, but when I do get up early it is either for a yoga class or to play with my 13-year-old puppy, Maggie May. I finish up my lazy mornings with a cup of tea and read articles. Meg

How do you start your mornings? Do you have a certain routine that helps you get your day started on the right foot?

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We envision a time when all military spouses thrive through connection to community and resources that results in healthy decision-making for themselves and their families.

