When a Homecoming is Far from Perfect

So we made it! Through our latest deployment, that is. My husband very recently returned from nine months away. He missed birthdays, holidays, and approximately half our toddler’s life. There was a lot of stress and loneliness, but now he’s back!I’d love to say that...

Wellness Through my Daughter’s Eyes

Here at InDependent, we talk a lot about wellness and self-care. Those things can mean a lot of different things to different people. Fitness and exercise, nutrition and healthy eating, and focusing on mental health all come to mind. Prioritizing your own well-being...

How to Connect with Mom Friends to Avoid Cabin Fever

So it’s here. Winter. Well, obviously it’s been around for a while, but the holidays are long gone and now we’ve reached the seemingly endless, Game of Thrones-style frozen portion of the season. I enjoy winter a lot. I like cold weather, I have a winter birthday, I...

Rethink Your Resolutions

For most of us, the end of the year is a time to take stock and think about what we want in the future, which brings us to the infamous idea of New Year’s resolutions. I typically don’t make any resolutions at the beginning of the year, because honestly they sort of...

How to Make the Holidays Feel Special During Deployment

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!I have a confession to make: I am a holiday enthusiast. Winter is my favorite season. Thanksgiving makes me gleeful. Santa cannot compete with my love of Christmas. I even enjoy stomping around in the snow and ice on New Year’s...