by | Jun 11, 2015 | Blog
It’s PCS season again. Thankfully the only traveling I’m doing this summer is related to vacation. I’m always up for a good adventure, but when I saw this post on Facebook from a friend whose husband just retired, I felt pretty good about not having to deal with...
by | Jun 7, 2015 | Blog
Unfortunately there is no easy way to put this. Composting is so ridiculously easy, you may have very few excuses not to get started.First, what is composting? Does a big pile of smelly trash and flies come into your head when someone tells you they compost at home?...
by | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
Reintegration can often be just as difficult as the deployment itself. Through experiencing two deployments and reintegrations with my soldier, I have learned some key lessons firsthand. I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination and still have much to...
by | Mar 28, 2015 | Blog
There’s no doubt, in many ways smartphones can be really invasive and counterproductive, as Kimberly Bacso pointed out in Smartphones: Doing Everything, Accomplishing Nothing. But if used properly, they do have a place. With their help being a smart, savvy consumer...
by | Mar 15, 2015 | Blog
Do you ever assess your responsibilities for the day and feel like you would rather retreat back under the covers than try to tackle it all? With a full load of expectations on your military spouse shoulders, I don’t blame you! I have a lot of interests and...